
Friday, July 5, 2013

Kera and the Lesbians - Nailbiter (official video) - Directed by Michael Delaney

I have had the pleasure of seeing the amazing Kera and the Lesbians perform Nailbiter live and it almost instantly slides your mind into a smokey slightly inebriated state. Your body wants to shift into a sultry head bob as you listen to their speakeasy punk. Michael Delaney, whose art graces many local bands projects and who created the cover art for Nailbiter, shot and directed the video. Shot in Super 8, it pulls and pushes you through the streets of LA. The lomographic look works well creating an urban day-mare with shots of street preachers, religious statutes, a poorly departed swan, a strange encounter with a comely woman and a truly scary walk atop the edge of a high building. Kera Armendariz handles it all with an almost Buster Keaton like aplomb. Provocative video and song.

Kera shared these thoughts on the video with Impose Magazine:

"NAILBITER' is a song of anxiety, paranoia, and the elusiveness of the mind. Michael was inspired by walking through downtown Los Angeles and seeing all the broken lives, the desperation, the hopelessness, the volatility, the people who never made it, and the indifference of so many passers-by. Amidst this, though, was a sense of community and camaraderie amongst the overlooked, a shimmer of hope that was incredibly encouraging. We as a society are becoming increasingly separated from each other, but if you strip away all of the luxuries, the fear, the selfishness, all we have is each other. We're all rushing through life, not taking time to notice the sheer beauty of our existence. We judge others without knowing their story, not realizing that we are all the same. We all love someone, we all have fears and anxieties, we've all suffered loss. Love and compassion are the only things that can bring us back to our natural state of connectedness. In his directorial debut, Michael aimed to capture these raw emotions by using a vérité style to reflect the tension and unrest within ourselves and our society."

Kera and the Lesbians:

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