
Thursday, July 30, 2015

I hope that "Young Jesus" never Grows Up - NEW Album "Grow / Decompose" Burns Out Personal Stories

Young Jesus is back on my radar screen. I reviewed the album "Home" way back in 2012 (see here) and kind of lost track of these guys. Their latest album, "Grow Decompose" dropped back in May. I would say that to 20 somethings it might feel like an old stoner friend that you will always love and to those younger might feel like a new discovery.

The tone still feels very organic in that 90's post rock sort of way. Like in the beautifully transient Brothers, John Rossiter and the boys let the rock and stories breathe / air out and float around your senses. The thoroughly catchy G churns while it tells personal stories. It feels as big as the biggest Weezer song in spots but also has an almost down home backyard porch rock feel too. Dynamically rich, it darts around, get's lost and then runs down dark city streets like youth run amok at a break neck pace. I guess it is not surprising that Oranges reminds me a bit of Peaches by the Presidents of the United States but Young Jesus is less cheeky and their songs adeptly mix the 90's post rock with a deep well of current indie sound and, more importantly, feeling.

The tendency to veer into that cool bendy guitar dissonance makes me love them even more. Young Jesus shares some of that musical DNA that swims around bands like Speedy Ortiz, Porches, Pavement, Ovlov, Paws and the aforementioned Weezer just to name a few. Listen to Slug and the dreamy fuzzy embrace of Dirt and you will know what I mean. One of my favorite songs on the album is Blood and Guts. It plays like a wierd movie, it's got this amazing indie rock arc. Mixed in the quirky progressive fun punk tone is a shape shifting ballad of sorts with a musical break that sounds like a triumphant march. It is all over the fucking place but it all works.

Young Jesus is indeed back on my radar screen and I hope on yours as well. "Grow / Decompose" is an album that should be in your record collection (whatever form your collection is in).

Robb Donker

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