
Monday, August 8, 2016

Seabreeze Diner - 5 Track EP "For Use With Care" Is Carefree Indie Pop That Explodes In Your Mouth

The first track Anna Belle on Seabreeze Diner's latest EP "For Use With Care" has so much unbridled energy stuffed into it that it can't help but pump happy adrenaline into your heart. The double time drums and cascading guitar licks give way to a carefree indie pop explosion. Even as the song jams with a joyful lead guitar and exuberant lyrics the song does this lovely break slowing down into a more introspective moment only to explode and take off again. It is this kind of emotional dynamic tone that speaks to Seabreeze Diner's pop brilliance.

Other tracks like Above Ground and Hold My Own adopt a kind of sock hop punk jag borrowing tones from late 50's or early 60's tortured love pop songs all the while feeling jammy. The track Arkansas swings into another indie pop tone with the inspired sparkly guitar work shown in Anna Belle. The lovely melodies in the chorus are pretty lush and the pop hooks are plentiful. The musical break and time signature change and build up is glorious stuff. Great track that I would love to see it performed live. Wasted Summer swings and will inspire head bopping and dancing. It slyly seems to end and then kind of resurfaces in a stripped down acoustic version at the end as if this might be the first rendition that inspired the full on electric version.

"For Use With Care" is bright indie pop and these North Carolina boys do it well. Anna Belle and Arkansas are the stand out tracks for me. Songs for me are little plays that connect with me or do not and while all these song connected with me the musical and lyrical melodies on those tracks feel like they have a back story more than the other songs. In a way they feel a bit deeper and more personal. Overall the entire EP has a lot to offer and I hope you listen to it repeatedly.
Robb Donker

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