
Monday, May 6, 2019

Sara Rachele's tenderly torn "Dream, Dream Love"

From the very onset of Sara Rachele's spartan and intimate Dream, Dream Love, from her recently released album "Scorpio Moon", it is her raw emotions on display. Rachele's tender and torn vocals are right up front as she plays acoustic guitar quietly with reticence as if the music is an emotional afterthought just there enough to hold her up for support. It takes guts to reveal yourself in an almost acapella sort of way but then this doesn't feel like a vocal performance but more like an intimate crying conversation on a telephone to someone you are missing as you lay in bed alone from a million miles away. As I type my thoughts about this song I am on the road far from home so this song cuts me to the quick. 

Rachele premiered this stunning piece of work on Wide Open Country a bit ago and offered insight to Dream, Dream Love: 

"We have to leave the ones we love sometimes, and in this career, I've found myself having to do this more often than I'd really like to admit. 'Dream, Dream Love' is a song that is about the times when you are away from the one you love, whether physically or emotionally. I like to think that true love never pauses, and never ceases. In the moments when I'd be physically far away from the one I love, I write a lot of my work -- sometimes, really really far away from my favorite people. I often need perspective and a peaceful solitude to create, and this song is a good example of that. I wrote this little dedication to someone who was actually traveling away from my home at the time, when I was the one who was being left. I sent this song out in the night, and to me it is about the loneliness and connection that marks a lot of my professional life."
"As someone who travels for a living, aligned with the folk musician/troubadour trope, I'm constantly seeing taxi drivers more than my own family, seeing the woman at the post office and the hotel clerk asking if I should cut my hair. The barman at the local cafe reads my writing, often before anyone else. This song is about being far away, but it reflects some closeness too, I hope. Even when I'm back in the U.S., whether it's Atlanta or New York, I miss the characters from my homes abroad just as much. And when I'm gone from there, I keep them in my dreams too."
Robb Donker

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