A Thousand Plateaus is a Madison, Wisconsin based indie / post punk rock band that is a bit of a re-birth, and while this birth has had a long and protracted labor (and maybe an even unexpected one) stemming from an inception in the 80's that resulted in a musical outfit called About The Poets, their track "My Purchase" is an indication that the baby is not only alive and healthy but alive and kicking wildly.
The track as the band says is "a response to the denial of science in the face of the undeniability of scientific fact, as demonstrated for instance by people who downplay the severity of Covid-19, or the reality of climate change" and I rather like this inspiration, this theme. It is obviously timely, as over the last decade society has slowly been stepping back. Devo might of somehow forecasted this in the mid 70's and 80's, but sadly we might be regressing into the dark ages when cults of personality outweigh science and even common sense.
Oh, writing from, my ocean cave, with no tide"
"My Purchase" from the band's self titled debut, as A Thousand Plateaus, cuts a deep path, with strident guitar work, a swinging drum beat, chunking palm mutes, feral lead rockisms, beautiful big falls into bohemian garden rock that blend heavy rock, Goth pop, surf punk (and more) into a wonderful (to me) 90's college rock radio amalgam. A car crash of R.E.M, Guided By Voices, the Descendants, The Smiths and Superchunk.
A Thousand Plateaus is composed of Bruce Collet (vocals), Robert Kudrle (guitars), Kevin Lian-Anderson (bass), and Chris Weise (drums).
-Robb Donker Curtius
Tales of homecoming after considerable periods away have long found resonance within our psyches, and classic works such as The Odyssey, or more relatively recently, The Lord of the Rings, work with such themes to great effect because they touch upon something we can immediately relate to. What draws us back home varies; perhaps a need for comfort or security, or perhaps an urgency to finally make right. In the case of A Thousand Plateaus, which represents a reunion and homecoming for the late ‘80s cold(ish) wave band About the Poets, it is the desire to rekindle a torch that never really went fully out. Like its first “ATP” formation, which arose in and through a period of cultural and political turmoil, A Thousand Plateaus also finds itself emerging in a moment of even greater social and political unease and unrest. We have a feeling that this is no coincidence. However, we also know that we may not fully understand the circumstances which have brought us back together for a long time. For now, A Thousand Plateaus presents an outfit we feel has withstood the test of time. All four original band members are back. They include Bruce Collet (vocals), Robert Kudrle (guitars), Kevin Anderson (bass), and Chris Weis (drums). And while we are no longer the wistful and idealistic 19-year-olds that made up the first ATP iteration, we neither have lost that shared sentiment (passion, angst, anger) that first brought us together. The world is just as fucked up as it ever was, but let’s face it, artists often find themselves compelled to draw energy from the flames.
Tales of homecoming after considerable periods away have long found resonance within our psyches, and classic works such as The Odyssey, or more relatively recently, The Lord of the Rings, work with such themes to great effect because they touch upon something we can immediately relate to. What draws us back home varies; perhaps a need for comfort or security, or perhaps an urgency to finally make right. In the case of A Thousand Plateaus, which represents a reunion and homecoming for the late ‘80s cold(ish) wave band About the Poets, it is the desire to rekindle a torch that never really went fully out. Like its first “ATP” formation, which arose in and through a period of cultural and political turmoil, A Thousand Plateaus also finds itself emerging in a moment of even greater social and political unease and unrest. We have a feeling that this is no coincidence. However, we also know that we may not fully understand the circumstances which have brought us back together for a long time. For now, A Thousand Plateaus presents an outfit we feel has withstood the test of time. All four original band members are back. They include Bruce Collet (vocals), Robert Kudrle (guitars), Kevin Anderson (bass), and Chris Weis (drums). And while we are no longer the wistful and idealistic 19-year-olds that made up the first ATP iteration, we neither have lost that shared sentiment (passion, angst, anger) that first brought us together. The world is just as fucked up as it ever was, but let’s face it, artists often find themselves compelled to draw energy from the flames.
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